Areas of Practice

Managing the dispute while conjointly conducting a preliminary assessment of any potential developments it may have, means that the Law Firm of the Attorney Salvatore Zavaglia offers its customers a comprehensive service, which involves and also incorporates areas of practice that are complementary to those primarily dealt with.



  • Civil and Commercial Law

    Civil Law is defined as the set of legal rules that govern the relations between private individuals; while Commercial Law is the discipline of the activity of the entrepreneur, the conducting of the business, carried out or by the entrepreneur personally and/or under a corporate form. The Firm offers clients legal aid and services in the main areas of civil law practice, which include:

    contracting, leases, condominium, bonds, family (cohabitation), minors, interdiction, disqualifications, compensation.

    Credit recovery (execution of chattels, real estate and to third parties), company & business, real estate, bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings, M&A, franchising, contracting.

  • Criminal Law

    In collaboration with an established group of Legal experts, the Law Firm offers clients (businesses and individuals) legal aid in all fields of Criminal Law, which include:

    environmental crimes, corporate and tax, medical liability and general crimes against the person and property.

  • Labour and Social Security Law

    We assist our clients with the various aspects – also pathological ones – of the rapport between a company and those who work for it, this includes disputes at the employment tribunal and proceedings at commissions set up at employment offices and at trade unions.

    The areas of practice of particular interest are:

    contracts of employment (subordinate, semi-subordinate, self-employed, affiliates, and all relative social security), non-competition agreements, corporate transfers and outsourcing business, management of employment relations and settlement agreements.

  • Tax Law

    Thanks to our cooperation with a group of top consultants, the Firm is able to assist clients before the provincial and regional tax commissions as well as before the financial administration.

  • Administrative Law

    The prominent regard we have for clients and our efforts to increasingly customise services has piloted the Firm to offer Legal aid and services (both in and out of court and in litigation) also in the following areas of practice:

    urban and regional planning, supply contracts and tenders, contracts and tenders in general.

  • Consumer Rights

    The long-standing experience developed in the field of consumer associations, means that the Firm can directly deal with the management of complaints and consumer protection, using whenever possible, reconciliation proceedings.